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Showing posts with the label agricultural yield

Why Should Food Cost 30% Of Income?

  You read it right, on average, most of us spend up to 30% of income on food. In the developed world, this figure is in the range of 6% - 15%. For wider economic participation of its population and to improve overall living standards, the food bill must make a much smaller hole into one’s pocket! While meat products also constitute a significant part of the food chain, I am limiting the scope of this article to vegetarian food products.   The Facts With over 50% of its land arable, India is the leader in the world in terms of arable land as a % of the total landmass. In terms of actual volume, with over 15 lakh square kilometers, India has the largest stock of arable land. Overall, India holds just under 10% of the world’s total arable landmass. *India is the second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, second only to China. *India is the world’s largest dairy producer. *India is the world’s 2 nd largest rice producer and 3 rd largest wheat pro...