Online Grocery market will increase from Rs. 14,000 crores ($2 billion) today to Rs. 1.4 lakh crores ($20 billion) in just 5 years! Groceries will lead the aggressive e-commerce growth in India for the next 5 to 10 years. Back in 2006, when I used to live in the United Kingdom, I was super happy when the two supermarket giants, Tesco and Sainsburys started to take online orders and do door delivery. I was never a fan of going to the supermarket, drag the cart along to pick my groceries, stand in long queues to checkout and stuff. I always wondered if this would ever find ground in India with such a strong presence of neighborhood Kirana stores and the fact that still, only a minor segment of the overall groceries market is branded or organized. Online Groceries and Indian Market Back in India during the first half of this decade, I was pleasantly surprised at the rise of online grocery marketplaces. It only made sense with all the fast-changing lifestyles, busy pro...